Finally after quite some time working on it, I've finally completed the project.

This is a submission to the Generated Game Idea Jam 2024 being my first game.

Ok here's how the game goes: 

-For this update I've put in EASY, NORMAL and HARD(EXPERT) difficulty levels so you can test your skills.

-Interactivw buttons have been added for interaction and accessibility

-A progressive score system (Leaderboard system will come in later updates)

-Background music and click sounds have been adde

-Subtle color gradients have been added to the game for a cool and aesthetic look-

-A nickname system for customization 

Ok that's quite a lotta features with more coming out in later updates (btw this was made using HTML, CSS and JavaScript on a text editor)

This game works perfectly well on mobile and PC so anyone can check it out.

Special thanks to:

MÍØ For the game background music

MJ being my first patreon

All other open source creators on the web that made this game possible

Ok, there's a premium version called Endless Runner Infinity

This entails you just donating $5 and reaching out to my email: for your own custom made game and assets I used to create mine.

Thanks for reading and test out the game and leave a good review🙃

Development log

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