I'm 17 and new to web development but I want to create games so I'm working with web development for now.

I made this project on my phone and I don't have a PC, please support as little as $2 so I can save up to buy one.

If you make any contributions I'll make sure to add your nickname in the next update of the game.

This is just a demo so it's not complete, just to test and for y'all to give me your honest opinion on it. So please rate it and give me your honest opinion on it.

More features will be mentioned in my later devlogs so follow to stay updated👌

Also check out my YouTube channel, link: https://youtube.com/@didianddk

Thanks for reading 🙂

Development log


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Cool demo, pls make this runner better :)


Thanks for the feedback 😊

Ok what features do you want to see implemented in the game that will make it better.

I'm open to suggestions 

(1 edit)

Make the game's interface more interesting and attractive and add some easy-to-implement but interesting mechanics to your runner ;)

I use a translator, there may be errors


Ok I understand what you're saying

However, this is just the demo of the main game on my page but I'll need to rework it because of some bugs

How about this, when I'm done with the main game I'll reach out to you

Are you ok with that?

Ok, but i'm not cool game developer :0


Don't worry, we all improve so far the hardwork has been put in😉